If you are about to end up in family court to battle for your children or some other major issue, you're going to need a good family law lawyer on your side to help you navigate the situation. While your family law attorney can provide you with some good advice, it's also important that you prepare yourself in other ways for the battle ahead. Here are 3 tips to keep in mind when talking with your family law lawyer or the judge about your family law case.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
Yes, this is easier said than done, but regardless of whether you will be on offense or defense inside the courtroom, it is absolutely critical that you maintain emotional control at all times during the proceedings, whether it's in the actual courtroom or just talking with your attorney in his or her office. Legal cases with children or other family members are understandably sensitive for all involved, but any attempt to lash out on your part could end up working against you in court.
Your Attorney Is There for Legal Advice, Not Therapy or Mental Counseling
If your attorney is the first person you've talked to outside the family about your case, it can be easy to just want to completely unload everything that you've been thinking. But in order to let your lawyer work as efficiently for you as possible, it's important to understand that they are an attorney, not a shrink. Stick to just the facts that will help you win when you get to court. Anything other than that, save it for the therapist. A good family law attorney might even be able to refer you to therapist who can help with your specific issues.
Condense Your Communication
If you've never dealt with an attorney before, you may be jumping at the bit to give them any little piece of information you can find that will help them with the case. This is especially true during family law cases, when any little development often feels like it might be the one that tips the case in your favor. (Again, keep those emotions in check.) The last thing your attorney needs is a ridiculous number of emails or voicemails to sort through every time you find a new piece of information. If you want daily contact with your attorney that's fine, but get into the habit of only contacting them once per day, preferably with an email or voicemail during the evening hours to ensure that there will be no other developments that day.
Family court can be a rough experience, but an attorney like those at Baudler, Maus, Forman, Kritzer & Wagner, LLP can help you get through it. Just be sure to keep your emotions outside the courtroom and stick to just the facts that will help you win when communicating with your attorney. Reach out to a family law specialist today for more information.